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House Painting

We provide meticulous surface preparation to refresh your space for longevity then colour your home with our professional house painting services.
Wall painting

Vibrant Elegance, Lasting Beauty

Our Painting services redefine aesthetics, durability, and transformative elegance. We bring technical expertise to every project, ensuring a vibrant and long-lasting finish.

  • Exterior and Interior Painting of Buildings: We add a fresh, vibrant touch to your living spaces. Our meticulous approach and attention to detail ensure a flawless finish that enhances the visual appeal of your property.

  • Wall Waterproofing and Cleaning: We go beyond aesthetics; we prioritize the longevity of your walls. At 'Echome' we provide wall waterproofing services, we start with cleaning the surfaces to eliminate algae and preparing terrace surfaces for optimal paint adhesion. This approach ensures durability and resilience against the natural elements.

  • Damp Proofing Painting: Combat dampness with our damp-proofing painting services. We identify and address wall cracks with precision, using the right joint compounds or materials. This prevents water seepage, safeguarding your walls.

  • Windows and Doors Painting: Enhance the overall appeal of your property by opting for our windows and doors painting services. Our painters meticulously apply paint, bringing a cohesive and polished look to these essential elements of your home.

  • Wood Polishing: Revitalize the natural beauty of wood with our expert wood polishing services. From doors to furniture, we bring out the richness of the wood grain, adding a touch of elegance to your living spaces.

At 'Echome, we understand that painting is not just about adding colour; it's about commitment to quality. We approach, by addressing pressing problems like cracks and dampness before applying the final coat. Experience the transformative power of our Painting services, which bring in durability to your home that's enduring and beautiful.  

Home painting walls

Hi, I’m Cynthia. A year ago, we were seeking a trustworthy professional to renovate our Iyyappanthaangal property. Through a friend, I found Mr. Charles Kirubakaren. He understood our vision, delivered quality renovations, and managed everything with care and cost-effectiveness. I only needed to be present on the first and last days. My heartfelt thanks for his excellent, reliable work. God bless Mr. Charles!

Cynthia Shridhar

Excellent work! Thank you brother for your sincerity and honesty.  Rare to find people like you these days.  I am happy about the work.  God bless you and open many doors of opportunity for you.  Thanks again


Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway.

Mike Hotten
CEO, Brick Consulting

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway.

Lisa Duncan
CEO, Keen IT Solution

Have any questions? call us today!



To know more download our brochure here.